Project updates

Project updates

Our pilot study focused on parents and special guardians experiences of public law care proceedings. You can read our briefing here

We held a pilot policy workshop that was run by two peer researchers. The workshop provided a space for people with lived and professional experience of the family court to reflect on these initial findings and co-produce ideas for policy and practice reform. You can read our blog here.

We have been contributing to a blog series about the research – edited by Dr Amy Kirby - for the Social Legal Studies Association. This includes a blog on our methodology Collecting Stories about Encounters with the Law and reflections from our peer researchers about their involvement in the project  ‘Our experience is second to none: we’ve rode that ride, haven’t we?’

We produced a 3-minute film – funded by the Criminal Justice Alliance in collaboration with the Media Trust about lived experience and co-production in research.


If you have any questions or would like further information about this project, please contact us at