
Project ADDER and Place-based Accelerators Evaluation


ICPR is partnering with Kantar Public (an independent social research agency) to evaluate two Home Office programmes: Project ADDER (Addiction, Diversion, Disruption, Enforcement and Recovery) and Place-based Accelerators. Both programmes are aimed at integrating enforcement, diversion, treatment, and recovery services to reduce drug misuse, drug-related offending, and drug-related deaths. Both evaluation comprises three main work strands: a process evaluation (understanding how programmes are implemented), an impact evaluation (determining the difference that programmes have made), and an economic evaluation (calculating the costs and benefits of the programmes).

Project ADDER is taking place across five local project sites along with a national focus. Place-based Accelerators is taking place in six local authorities and two London Boroughs and is building on the work of Project ADDER. Place-based Accelerators differs from Project ADDER in its whole-system and whole-of-Government approach, and its inclusion of Individual Placement Support (IPS), as well as working in more complex local environments than the Project ADDER pilot.

As the academic partner on both projects, ICPR has an advisory role and will also be involved in the qualitative elements of the evaluations, including conducting interviews with key stakeholders and service users.

Project ADDER will run from March 2021 - March 2023, the Place-based Accelerators project will run from September 2021 - April 2023.


Home Office

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