Joanna joined ICPR as an associate research fellow in September 2015. She is an independent consultant, and works with international organisations, and governmental and nongovernmental organisations across Europe, as well as the police and the prosecution service in the UK on all aspects relating to understanding and responding to hate crime. She is currently the lead researcher (UK) for the DG-JUSTICE funded project, Facing all the Facts, which aims to find out what leads to effective cooperation between police and NGOs on hate crime recording and victim support in 6 countries. She is also working with the National Police Chiefs’ Council and European agencies to develop online learning on hate crime for frontline police, NGOs and policy makers in Europe. She has been teaching on hate crime at Birkbeck since 2013 and has convened the hate crime module for its Masters in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice since 2015. Her previous roles include criminal justice policy lead at Victim Support, policy adviser on hate crime and equality issues at the Crown Prosecution Service, and hate crime adviser at the OSCE Office for Democratic Organizations and Human Rights.
She has a BSc in Psychology from the University of Bristol, a Graduate Diploma in Law from the College of Law, a Masters in Research in Law from Birkbeck College, University of London and a Post Graduate Diploma in Online and Distance Learning from the Open University.