I have over six years experience of working with survivors of sexual assault (adults and children) from my work within the West Mercia Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC). I was originally employed there as a Crisis Worker supporting clients through their forensic medical examination. I also covered the role of SARC Coordinator for a year whilst a colleague was on maternity leave. I was asked to return to my role as a Crisis Worker in 2020 to help with the Covid 19 outbreak, and I still help there on weekends alongside my full-time role as a Research Assistant. I have a combined Bachelor's degree, and a Master’s degree in Criminology. I focused my Master’s thesis on the strategisation of sexual violence in war. The majority of my career has been in roles within the criminal justice system. I have also been employed as a Restorative Justice Practitioner and a Hate Crime Victim Support Worker for the West Midlands police. I am currently working as a research assistant on Pillar 6 of Operation Soteria Bluestone looking into digital technologies and forensics in rape and serious sexual offence investigations.